The Barometer

Google Gives Chairman Mau the Bird

As posted in a lot of other places, Google has very publicly announced that it is no longer censoring Google searches in China and is prepared to leave the country if the Chinese government doesn’t like it. Most people in the US seem to be hailing the move as a victory in human rights in […]

DARPA, Twitter, Facebook and a Bunch of Balloons

DARPA placed 10 red balloons randomly throughout the US and issued a challenge: find them using the Internet. A team of MIT researchers used a custom-built social media platform that integrated info from Facebook and Twitter to find them. How long did it take? Only 8 hours. Here’s an interview with one of the MIT […]

Statistics from a Magazine Ad? Print Ads Shifting to Digital

There were an incredible amount of electronic paper devices – or ebook Readers – in 2009 although you probably wouldn’t realize it. You’ve probably heard of Amazon’s Kindle ebook reader and perhaps seen the new nook device in Barnes & Noble stores, and maybe you’ve seen the Sony ebook readers at Borders and Best Buys […]

ISPs Crack Down Harder on Spam with Tighter Controls

Email marketing, a re-marketing tool, can be a very effective means to build loyalty and drive new business from existing clientele. Using it to generate new business from prospective customers who have no idea who you are, however, is a sketchy proposition. Purchased or rented lists typically do not provide as good a response or […]

Are You Prepared for the Rise of Mobile Internet Users in 2013?

This is an interesting bit of information coming out of a report from eMarketer – by the year 2013, 43% of global mobile Internet users (607.5 million people worldwide) will be accessing social networks from their mobile devices! “In the US, mobile social networkers will total 56.2 million by 2013 and will account for nearly […]

Big Updates from Google: Caffeine Launch and Load Time Tools

Earlier this year we commented on an upcoming update to Google’s rules for ranking websites codenamed “Caffeine.” This update actually changes how Google analyzes web pages significantly but current rankings, for the most part, should remain stable per our tests in the Developer Preview. Google is now launching Caffeine starting with 1 data center by […]

It's Time to Tweak Your Tweets

If you’re a tweeter you should be interested in this news.  It’s official – Google has reached an agreement with Twitter to show tweets in their search results!  How do you accomplish this?  Unfortunately because this agreement was just recently announced between Google and Twitter, there isn’t much data from a search engine optimization standpoint.  […]

Google Puts Your Friends in Search Results

Google Announces Social Search Features Last Week at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco, Google unveiled new social media features that will be making their way into regular search results. There’s a demo in the first 6 minutes of the presentation but in a nutshell: Searches will now provide results from people in your […]

How Do Users Control Your Online Message?

This is not a new subject and we need to give credit to many companies who are attempting to understand it although the acceptance factor for some is still a bit foreign and uncomfortable.  It’s not about them any more, it’s about the consumer who’s also known as aka “the user.” Are you thinking about what happens […]

How Bad Online Reviews = More Sales

A recent case study analyzed by CNN Money highlights this seemingly unintuitive reality. Why? 1. Customers want reviews, if you don’t provide them, they’ll leave the site to find them (and be far less likely to come back and purchase after leaving). 2. If customers detect that you have only published selected reviews from favored […]