search engines

Ads are Alive and Well – Who Knew!

I can’t remember the last time I responded to display advertising on ad-supported websites, so I assumed that I was in the majority. Wrong! Forrester Consulting conducted a study from iProspect indicating that more than half of Internet users (52%) not only responded to display advertising on websites showing ads, but as many initially responded […]

How to Attract Visitors to your Website!

We all know the simple answer to that question – right? Banner ads, email offers or sponsored links!  Well, guess again … According to ARAnet and based on polling by Opinion Research Corporation , the best way to accomplish visitors following your brand or getting them to your website may not be those particular advertising tactics. Articles that include brand information […]

Why Advertise Online? It's Where The Consumers Are!

Still wondering if your company should be moving their traditional advertising dollars to the Internet?  Everyone is familiar with the products Lysol, Clearsil, French’s Mustard and Mucinex, to name a few.  The company who owns these brands, Reckitt-Benckiser, has taken $20 million in advertising away from TV and will be investing that money in online […]

Save your money on Valentine's Day

Most of us have received unsolicited emails from online companies indicating they can get you on the first page of Google for a little amount of money no matter what the competitive pulse of your particular industry. Only because Valentine’s Day is a few days away, I thought this would be appropriate to showcase that […]

Keywords + Videos = More Visibility

We’re all familiar with pay-per-click advertising which is a gold mine for most major search engines … and, we all know that video is the latest and greatest Internet experience.  So, of course, this next advertising opportunity was bound to happen ~ According to a press conference held with YouTube this past week, they announced a […]

Meta Keyword Tag

This is so funny, I wanted to share it … A regular contributor to a search engine blog, Stoney deGeyter, posted some thoughts on meta tags regarding when, why and how to construct them. He mentions that in terms of relevance, meta tags are only a small portion in terms of rankings for a website, […]

Is your website Cuil?

Ex-Googlers have just launched a new search engine called Cuil (“cool”) – and where did they come up with that wordB The name comes from a Gaelic word for “knowledge” which seems very appropriate for a search engine. Similar to what Google is touting, not surprisingly the founders say that Cuil “indexes the web more […]

Vote Now – No Registration Required

It’s not too late to vote for “Doodle 4 Google,” a nationwide competition that Google launched this past February.  From kindergarteners through high school seniors, Google asked for students to design a Google logo inspired by the question, “What If … ?”   The winner of the competition will have their artwork placed as the Google logo for a day as […]