Ads are Alive and Well – Who Knew!

I can’t remember the last time I responded to display advertising on ad-supported websites, so I assumed that I was in the majority. Wrong!

Forrester Consulting conducted a study from iProspect indicating that more than half of Internet users (52%) not only responded to display advertising on websites showing ads, but as many initially responded to an ad by conducting a search. These results were certainly eye openers as far as how Internet users responded to online ads:

  • 31% responded by directly clicking on an ad
  • 27% responded by searching the the product, brand or company by launching a search on a search engine
  • 21% responded by typing the company web address into their browser
  • 9% responded by investigating the product, brand or company through social media venues


So it seems as if display advertising certainly impacts search and, more importantly, it demonstrates the ability of search to also boost the effectiveness of display ads.  This further confirms the need to ensure we are taking advantage of as many opportunities as possible in our online marketing tool box for branding, messaging and targeting! With people spending more time online than ever before, it only makes sense to capitalize on tactics that assist in driving relevant traffic to a website.

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