Google Releases More Keyword Data with New Tool
Google has released a new tool allowing for even more exploration of specific keyword information. Google Insights for Search allows users to see search volume, seasonality, geographic distribution and much more for specific keyword phrases going back as far as 2004. For anyone who’s ever needed to know weather it’s better to target one phrase or another with their website, Insights allows for unprecedented analysis of actually data from the search giant’s history.
As an example, see the charts below that displays the relative search volumes and geographic interests and for the keyword phrases “buy kites,” “kite stores” and “kites to buy” worldwide since 2004.
The tool is also capable of displaying top related searches and top rising search terms for related phrases and is capable of making comparisons of keywords within specific categories and even drilling down to city level for anywhere in the world. There is a lot of powerful information here that can help any company determine if they’re chasing the right rankings, so what are you waiting for, get some data!