Hurrah for Long Tail Keywords!

As we all know, keywords can be split into two groups – short tail keywords such as “web design,” and long tail keywords like “small business web design.”  From a competitive standpoint, “web design” has thousands more competitors compared to “small business web design.”  Choosing the keyword(s) on your website is an important tactic in keyword positioning in order to attract quality traffic.

According to data from Hitwise  which reports an overall trend toward longer searches at the major search engines, “search queries averaging five to more than eight words have increased 9%.”


It’s not a surprise that due to web searchers being more sophisticated and their desire to avoid the mass of clutter and unrelated search results on the Internet, they are using more specific keyword phrases.  We all know if we are going to find the information we are looking for online that we need to be very specific in our selection of keyword phrases – and more importantly, have you checked your website copy to be sure that what potential customers are typing into the search engines are the same phrases that are appropriately seeded throughout specific pages of your website?

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