Deliver and Launch

Once steps one through four of the SEO website development process are complete, it’s time to launch your new website.

File Transfer

The final and vitally important step in the re-design process is the transfer of each site to the website hosting partner. Our SEO website development team carefully and strategically uploads the files that make up your new search engine optimized website to the web server.


The SEO web designer typically creates a Production Style Guide that provides information about the page layouts, the coding of navigational elements and the content structure for your company to keep on record. This is an essential reference tool when making changes to the site in the future.

Promoting Your New Website

By this step, we will have already discussed how best to launch your new search engine optimized website – whether that involves search engine optimized press releases, a special event, a blog marketing campaign, or a combination of tactics designed to spread the word to real people and create a reason for search engines to index your new website.

To explore ways in which we can help you design a new website, or undertake a re-design of your existing site, please contact us

today at 321-251-6528.