Search Marketing as Effective as Ever
Gord Hotchkiss put up an excellent article profiling Google, and particularly Search Marketing, in the midst of the econolypse. It’s true that while most advertising is being curtailed (and most business and consumer spend have slumped in general), people are still searching online and clicking on paid and organic listings at Google. While the rest of the economy suffers, Google sees what can only be referred to as tremendous growth in these times.
“Despite one of the worst economic years in recent memory, Google showed 23% growth in revenues…The economy didn’t just slow down. It screeched to a halt.”
And a safe prediction:
“So, when we hit bottom and start climbing out of this economic black hole, search will have consolidated its position as the most accountable of marketing channels. It will form the basis of a new marketing model: consumer-driven, immediate, measurable, effective, interactive.”
As searching continues to increase, now is the time to maximize exposure in that channel.