Online Media Planning – It's So Easy

If you know the demographics of your target audience and want to place your ad in front of them when they are surfing around the Internet, you might be interested in a new, FREE, media-planning tool that Google is poised to launch.  Why would we be surprised that Google is getting in to this – after all, they do own DoubleClick – which makes for a perfect setting for this new tool.  “Simply enter demographics and sites associates with your target audience, and the tool will return information about sites (both on and off the Google content network) that your audience is likely to visit,” wrote the Google AdWords blog.


It will also be possible to get more detailed information about a particular site (demographics and related searches) or even get aggregate statistics for the sites you are considering for your media plan.  You can narrow down the country, language, gender, age, education and household income.  Unfortunately, there is one drawback, the ad placement cannot be purchased but (of course) they make it very convenient to export the data to platforms like Google’s DoubleClick.

As of today, there is no indication as to when this tool will be launching, but I’m going to be in line to give it a test drive –

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